
目前显示的是 九月, 2019的博文


Hi everyone, This week we finished learning chapter 12 and started to learn chapter 13: fast food. The activities in class reflected that some of you are not familiar with words about color, fruit, or vegetables. Please use the textbook and your own notebook to strengthen your memory. Next class, we will still learn chapter 13. You also need to review the new words about various kinds of fast food we learned in class. Homework: Since some students do not have exercise book, I will attached the scan document in my email. Please remember to complete your homework and bring it to class next Saturday. Exercise book: page 100-103. Some students were absent this Saturday. You need to do extra work to catch up with other students. You can use the following resources to learn the new knowledge. Announcement: The storytelling contest will be held on 10/19. If you are interested in attending this activity, please start to prepare for it soon! If you have any questions, do not hes


Hi everyone, We learned chapter 12 fruit and vegetables and the background knowledge about the development of radicals and characters this Saturday. Do you still remember the differences between monosyllable and two-syllable words? Which one is more popular in modern Mandarin Chinese? Also, Irene came to our class and taught four tones and new words. In the next class, we will continue watching the YouTube video about the silk road first. Then, some new words about fruit and vegetables will be introduced in the next part. Finally, I hope all of you can use the sentence pattern and new words to create your daily recipe. If possible, please remember to bring your color pencils to class so that you can make your recipe look colorful and fancy. After creating the recipe, you will be invited to do a short presentation and introduce how to implement your healthy diet to the whole class. Homework: Please think about the following question and write down your answer in a piece of paper.